alpha 15 version of Marvin Beans ver 4.1 wont install

User 5508363905

12-05-2006 13:07:48

I downloaded version 4.1 (alpha 15) of marvin beans with jre and the installer fails.

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

12-05-2006 13:26:07

Can you give us more info about this issue?

Have you got any error message?

Did the installer start?

What was the destination directory where you tried to install?

Have you got writing privilege to that directory?

Are there any installed Marvin Beans on your machine?

User 5508363905

12-05-2006 15:30:16

I tried on 2 different machines (win2000, winXP) and both gave the same error. I am an adminstrator on both machines so write access is not the problem. The installer starts, says it is initializing, the green bar moves to the right, and the an error box with no explaination shows. I have Marvin 4.04 on both machines. I have attached screenshots.

A different question: If install the new version will I have to re-enter the licenses for the plug-ins?

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

12-05-2006 20:35:07

Please remove the previous version of Marvin Beans before you install the new one.

The installer does not allow more than one installed version of Marvin Beans.

In this case, the install stops and drops a warning message. We will check why did not display correctly the warning message window.

About license key: I post your question to my colleage who deal with this question.

ChemAxon fb166edcbd

14-05-2006 21:11:36

carls wrote:

A different question: If install the new version will I have to re-enter the licenses for the plug-ins?
No, the old license keys should work automatically. However, the new version may contain new plugins which require new license keys - if you purchase those then you should enter the new license keys. In Marvin 4.1. we have a graphical license handling tool which makes this procedure easier.