About mview_begin

User 7c5047cd7b

09-05-2006 13:04:47

Could I use the absolute path of code base in mview_begin?


mview_begin("../..", 200, 200);

mview_param("mol", "../../mols-2d/caffeine.mol");



ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

09-05-2006 15:10:07

Yes, like this:
mview_begin("http://www.chemaxon.com/marvin", 200, 200);

mview_param("mol", "http://www.chemaxon.com/marvin/mols-2d/caffeine.mol");


User ffb6e86569

10-05-2006 04:09:23

If HTML and marvin are in different driver,how to specify the path of CODEBASE?

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

10-05-2006 11:55:03

If HTML and marvin are in different driver,how to specify the path of CODEBASE?
Use absolute URL for the codebase.

If your marvin is on a different driver than your HTML page, you take care that the marvin directory should be available via http protocol.

E.g. if your web server's configuration file maps filesystem like this

http://www.myserver.com/mysite --> C:\web\mysite

and your html document ( example/mymarvin.html ) in the mysite directory, you will be able to refer to this document like this http://www.myserver.com/mysite/example/mymarvin.html.

If the "marvin" directory is on another drive, e.g.: "D:\dev\marvin", you will not be able to access it unless the "marvin" directory or its parent is not mapped in the web server's

configuration file:

http://www.myserver.com/marvin --> D:\dev\marvin

If both drivers are available via web server, the marvin example will look like this:

mview_begin("http://www.myserver.com/marvin", 200, 200);

mview_param("mol", "../caffeine.mol");


In the above example, the location of the mol file is relative to the html's location ( C:\web\mysite\caffeine.mol )