User a913b8b63d
26-09-2015 00:00:50
When I try to draw an electron flow arrow, I'll click on, say, a lone pair and the "flow arrow" will be made. But then when I try to drag the arrow to a single bond, and click on it (for example demonstrating resonant structures), the arrow goes away completely.
If I click and hold on the lone pair, and drag it to the bond, the same issue happens. When I let go of the mouse, I still have control of the arrow (it moves around with the mouse), and when I click again it disappears.
What's going on here?
ChemAxon 5693b0ec15
29-09-2015 13:24:31
Dear Danyas,
I am pleased to inform you that the bug involving
the electron flow error has been fixed and the new version is going to
be released tomorrow.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Best regards,
Nikolett Mihala
User 09e4181ab4
15-10-2015 09:35:01
I am still experiencing the issue Danyas reported. What can I do to rectify this?
Dominic Tyler
ChemAxon 5693b0ec15
15-10-2015 11:13:06
Dear Dominic,
I am sorry to hear that.
could you specify your OS and your version of MarvinSketch, please?
Best regards,
Nikolett Mihaka
User 09e4181ab4
15-10-2015 11:33:16
I am running MarvinSketch 15.9.14 on OS X 10.11.1 (build 15B30a).
ChemAxon 5693b0ec15
15-10-2015 11:49:44
Dear Dominic,
the bugfix was released in 15.9.28 version.
Could you update your MarvinSketch please, it will probably solve the problem.
User 09e4181ab4
15-10-2015 11:50:44
That would explain the issue... What's the easiest way to do that?
ChemAxon 5693b0ec15
16-10-2015 13:18:31
Dear Dominic,
to download the installer: open the following page, accept the license agreement then choose your platform which enables the "Download Marvin Beans" button.
Please contact us if there are any problems.
Best regards,
Mihala Nikolett