Generate a given properties for each molecule in an .sdf

User 5e1cdc00c2

03-05-2006 12:49:23

As a basic user of Chemaxon, I would like to open an .sdf file and calculate for a parameter (like Charge at pH=6) for all the molecules of the sdf file at the same time and have the result in a text file or as a field. How can I easily proceed (without programation) on a PC.

Thank you


ChemAxon fb166edcbd

04-05-2006 09:21:01

You can do this with the cxcalc command line tool. Examples:

Output in text file:


cxcalc -o charges.txt charge -H 6 mols.sdf

Output in SDF field "CHARGES":


cxcalc -S -t CHARGES -o mols2.sdf charge -H 6 mols.sdf

For more information on the usage of the cxcalc script, refer to: