Which API for Marvin 4.0 should be used for SMILES->Molec

User 05a0a0ba3d

28-04-2006 01:32:27

Which API for Marvin 4.0 should be used for SMILES->Molecule


I have seen several references (both on the forums and in

the documentation) to MolImporter; however, I have not been

able to find that class. Does it exist in Marvin 4.0?

In summary, what I am looking for is this:

String smiles = "CC"; // some SMILES string

Molecule mol = GetMoleculeFromSmiles(smiles);

It is the GetMoleculeFromSmiles() that I am looking for.


User f359e526a1

28-04-2006 06:10:56

If you have a file with SMILES strings, probably the best is to use MolImporter that is at http://www.chemaxon.com/marvin/doc/api/index.html (Javadoc) . I included a small sample SmilesImp.java as an attachment . Use it as "java SmilesImp infile.smi" Also check http://www.chemaxon.com/marvin/doc/user/smiles-doc.html MolImporter can be used for other file types as well not only for SMILES.

User 05a0a0ba3d

08-07-2006 02:15:58

I have some Java code that looks like this:

StringBuffer pngSpecs = new StringBuffer("png:");

pngSpecs.append("w" + (new Integer(width)).toString() + ",");

pngSpecs.append("h" + (new Integer(height)).toString());

// Use Marvin to create PNG image of molecule.

Molecule molecule = MolImporter.importMol(smiles);

byte[] pngData = (byte[])molecule.toObject(pngSpecs.toString());

Sometimes in the server log, I notice these exceptions:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot export in unknown format "png:w324,h200"

at chemaxon.struc.Molecule.toObject(Molecule.java:966)

at com.cdd.services.GetMoleculeImage.doGet(Unknown Source)

The format "png:w324,h200" usually works. Why is this exception




ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

11-07-2006 10:44:50

I have checked the latest Marvin (4.0.6). But I have not managed to reproduce this exception. Can you show me a molecule where Molecule.toObject(...) throws this IllegalArgumentException?

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

11-07-2006 11:13:53

This exception should be thrown if Java can not load in proper export module (chemaxon/marvin/modules/PngExport.class).

Since MarvinBeans.jar includes the above class, Java should find it unless you have modified the content of MarvinBeans.jar.

Have you got a display on your server machine? Image export can fail if OS run without graphical interface.

In the following topic, you can read what you should do in this case:
