Install Marvin on 64-bit opensuse 12.3

User 7f1dc8dfe3

02-07-2015 22:19:46


I downloaded the 64-bit linux installer for Marvin beans from this link,

This would appear to to have the 64-bit java jre included. I ran the .sh file from sudo and it appeared to install but when the installer finished, there is no sign of Marvin. There were supposed to be desktop icons and Marvin was supposed to be installed in /root but I don't see anything anywhere.

Did I do something wrong? Is there a way to clean up a partial install if that is what I ended up with?


ChemAxon f052bdfe3c

09-07-2015 15:10:33


Sorry about the late answer, we are investigating this issue. It looks like the bug is on our side. My colleagues will provide you more details soon.

Best regards,


ChemAxon 5433b8e56b

16-07-2015 13:40:47

Hi LH_medchemist,

sorry for the late reply, we had to manage to have a Suse instance to play around.

For us the installer worked, the installer offers a directory to install Marvin into, and you are also able to change it. If you install it to the home of the root user, then we assume that is the problem why the desktop icons are not appearing to you, we assume they are on the desktop of the root user.

We suggest to install it with user privilages (without sudo) and intall it into your home directory. for us this soulution have worked, I hope this info will help for you too.
