User 870ab5b546
25-05-2015 02:59:29
In MarvinSketch 15.4.27, the Br atom in C[Br-] |^1:1|, a nine-electron, negatively charged Br atom, is highlighted as having a valence error. Given that Br and iodine can easily expand their octets, I would regard this as a bug.
ChemAxon f052bdfe3c
05-06-2015 09:40:15
I understand your request, but I do not see it as a bug, rather than a missing feature which is not in the focus of development currently.
Best regards,
User 870ab5b546
05-06-2015 12:36:16
I'm sorry, but when MarvinSketch tells a user that an atom has a valence error when it does not have one, that is a bug in your algorithm for determining whether an atom has a valence error.
User 870ab5b546
30-11-2015 19:27:06
I again request that this bug be fixed. You don't find a valence error in O=ClOH, which has a ten-electron Cl atom. Why do you find a valence error when I draw a nine-electron Br atom, as in C[Br-] |^1:1|? You have a bug in your algorithm for calculating valence errors, and I would be very grateful if you would fix it.
ChemAxon cbb451ac1e
01-12-2015 15:15:56
Once again, thank you very much for pointing this out! We do appreciate your feedback, however, I have to say that the current focus of the team is on other features. We will come back to this in the future. Thank you for your patience!