User e3f03c303b
03-05-2015 01:52:39
Hi, I've been adding self-made S-groups to My Templates library but the problem is that they are shown as miniaturized versions of their skeletal structures instead of as the abbreviations I assigned to them (e.g., D-Ser for D-serine). Is there any way around this? If you'd like an illustration of what I mean see the attached labelled screenshot.
ChemAxon 5433b8e56b
05-05-2015 11:32:57
On the template toolbar, and also in the template library we are eager to show the whole structure, therefore all the groups are getting expanded. Currently we are not planning to change this behavior, or give an option to make this configurable.
One tip I can give you is to hover over the template, on the appearing tooltip you can see the structure, or in case of superatom sgroups the group name.
I hope this helps,