Shortcut for creating compounds

User 4cf21e62f3

13-04-2015 17:28:58

Hey all. I'm trying to add a CN group to this molecule, any tips on how to do it? And any general tips on shortcuts for shorthand functional groups and compounds would be appreciated!

ChemAxon 5693b0ec15

14-04-2015 09:46:28

Dear Anna,

the simplest way to add a CN-group (or any S-group) is overwriting an existing atom.

1. Type "cn" or "CN" and it will appear on the top of cursor.

2. Replace an existing atom or place it  by clicking on it.

(The attachment points are considered upon replacement.)


If you hold 'Shift' pressed after having typed the abbreviation the expanded structure is displayed on the top of the cursor.


The list of default abbreviated group can be found under Insert<Group submenu.

Alternatively, when you start to type an abbreviated group  the available ones are listed  in the upper right hand corner of the canvas.


It is possible to define your own abbreviated groups as well.

For more information please see


Should you need any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,

Nikolett Mihala