User 9ac31d357b
02-04-2015 11:37:30
I used MarvinSketch to build up a scheme like the one attached here. Constantly during my work the software was crashing down, however it was not that too often, which allowed me to create the figure. However recently it got much worse: I cannot even change a font without Sketch getting frozen and me forcing it to quit. I am using MacBook with Yosemite OS and the format of my file is .mrv. Could there be a solution to it?
Thank you for your help!
ChemAxon 5433b8e56b
03-04-2015 10:34:54
I am glad that you were still able to achieve the result you are worked for, despite the chrashes.
I would like to ask which version of MarvinSketch did you use?
And also I would like to inform you about our status on this problem. We have done fundamental changes inside the painting code, and started to use a lot of new things, after completely reorganized the code. This changes caused some performance issues, and format related issues that we are aware of, and constantly working on them. We value the feedback we have got from you, and we will notify you after we could solve the issues. Hopefully this will happen within the next few weeks.
Thank you for your patience in the mean time!
Best regards,
User 9ac31d357b
03-04-2015 10:54:40
thank you for the reply.
I am using MarvinSketch 15.3.23. I think it is the latest one, because I downloaded it only last week.
So as far as I understand the solution to this issue will be in a few weeks, right? I am sorry if I seem too persistent, but is there anything that can be done in the meanwhile? have a deadline for submission of my work in less than one week and I have just a few more corrections to do on that file. Could you advice me anything in such situation? Thanks for assistance.
Best regards,
ChemAxon 5433b8e56b
03-04-2015 11:36:48
Hi Alexandra,
A possible solution can be to downgrade MarvinSketch, and install an earlier version, I would suggest to use the 15.2.2 that does not contain the new infrastructure we introduced in more steps during february.
You can download it from the download page, at the bottom of the page there is a selection box where you can download earlier releases than the most recent available on the page directly.
After selecting the version you will see a list of files, you will need the marvinbeans-%version%-macos.dmg file, that is the installer for Mac systems.
ChemAxon 5433b8e56b
07-04-2015 10:28:45
Hi Alexandra,
we were able to improve the performance and it seems we are not able to reproduce crashes with the new version, but it is possible that we are using the software differently, so if you have time, we would really appreciate if you can play around with the 15.4.6 version, that contains the initial fixes.
Thank you for your report, and patience!
Best regards,
ChemAxon 5433b8e56b
07-04-2015 10:29:29
Oh I forget to mention, 15.4.6 will be released in this week, possibly tomorrow.
User 9ac31d357b
07-04-2015 10:56:23
Hello Istvan,
thanks for the reply. In the meanwhile I installed the previous version 15.2.2 as you have advised me. It is slightly better, it freezes at least not after one single action, but two or three. So I managed to progress a bit... a couple of changes, close the program before it is frozen, and then again reopen etc.
Ok, as soon as the new version is released I will try it and tell you. I also think that maybe my file is "big" for the software, that`s why it is slow and freezes?
Thanks for support!
ChemAxon 5433b8e56b
07-04-2015 12:07:23
Hi Alexandra,
as we worked on the performance issues, we identified two problem, one of it is causing a serious slowdown, the other one is that the application does not set properly and the application is allowed to operate only with 128MB of memory.
In your case the second one causes the crashes I think, after this turned out, I was a bit optimistic with the older versions, since we did not get such reports with the earlier releases.
To increase the available memory you can do the following:
- open finder
- change to Applicaions/Chemaxon/MarvinBeans folder
- right-click on MarvinSketch (Application) and choose "Show PackageContents"
- Open the Contents/Info.plist file with TextEdit
- search for the following line: "<string></string><!-- I4J_INSERT_VMOPTIONS -->"
- replace it for the following: "<string>-Xmx500m</string><!-- I4J_INSERT_VMOPTIONS -->"
- save the file
In this way you increase the available memory for MarvinSketch to 500 MB, this is the default setting on our side also, but it is missing from the installers released in the past due to a bug we have just fixed.
I hope this helps.
Best regards,
User 870ab5b546
07-04-2015 18:46:54
I also downloaded Marvin It freezes during loading, with only a couple of buttons visible.
I also tried Marvin It gave me a license not found error.
License is not found: license.cxl
chemaxon.license.LicenseProcessingException: License is not found: license.cxl
at chemaxon.license.LicenseReader.setLicenseFile(
at chemaxon.license.LicenseHandler.setLicenseFile(
at chemaxon.license.LicenseManager.setLicenseFile(
at chemaxon.marvin.common.swing.MolPanel.molInit(Unknown Source)
at chemaxon.marvin.sketch.swing.SketchPanel.molInit(Unknown Source)
at chemaxon.marvin.common.swing.MolPanel.init(Unknown Source)
at chemaxon.marvin.common.swing.MolPanel.init(Unknown Source)
at chemaxon.marvin.applet.JMSketch.createGUI(Unknown Source)
at chemaxon.marvin.applet.AbstractMarvinApplet.init(Unknown Source)
at chemaxon.marvin.applet.JMSketchLaunch.showApplet(Unknown Source)
at chemaxon.marvin.applet.AppletLaunch$ Source)
at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(
at java.awt.EventQueue.access$500(
at java.awt.EventQueue$
at java.awt.EventQueue$
at Method)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
ChemAxon d26931946c
08-04-2015 09:08:26
Hi Bob,
I could not reproduce this issue on my system.
Could you compress the .chemaxon folder in your home folder and send it to marvin-gui-support _at_
There are several log file there which can help us.
Thanks in advance,
User 9ac31d357b
08-04-2015 10:13:54
Dear Istvan!
That actually helped a lot! It seems to be working properly! Many thanks for that!
User 870ab5b546
08-04-2015 13:27:24
gezapeti wrote: |
I could not reproduce this issue on my system.
Could you compress the .chemaxon folder in your home folder and send it to marvin-gui-support _at_
There are several log file there which can help us.
Two questions:
- Are you referring to the license not found error (15.1.26) or the loading issue (15.2.2)?
- By ".chemaxon folder in your home folder", are you referring to the client's home folder or the server's home folder? These errors were both obtained from an applet in a Web page.
I created a page to illustrate the license error problem: marvin15.1.26Test.jsp. I seem to have solved the other problem by emptying my Java cache.
User 870ab5b546
09-04-2015 11:57:40
Do these performance issues apply only to the applet? Or do they also apply to the Java API?
ChemAxon 5433b8e56b
09-04-2015 12:32:21
Hi Bob,
Both are affected, and moreover the image generation also a part of the problem.
And yes, Peter reffered to the license issue, and meant the .chemaxon folder on your client where Marvin is installed, or you had the problem with applets when the license file is specified?
ChemAxon 5433b8e56b
09-04-2015 12:33:05
Hi Alexandra,
I am glad that helped, and I hope we can solve the remaining issues soon.
Thank you for your feedback.
User 870ab5b546
09-04-2015 13:23:38
ifajth wrote: |
Hi Bob,
Both are affected, and moreover the image generation also a part of the problem.
And yes, Peter reffered to the license issue, and meant the .chemaxon folder on your client where Marvin is installed, or you had the problem with applets when the license file is specified?
Regards, Istvan
I have the problem with the applet, but only for Marvin 15.1.26, and not with Marvin 15.2.2 or 15.3.30, so I guess it's not really an issue. But if you want to worry about it, see the Web page I reference above.
ChemAxon 5433b8e56b
09-04-2015 13:58:08
Hi Bob,
thank you for your answer, we will definitelly check it, because an other user with an other version got the same exception.
The site you linked does not load the applet on my machine, unfortunatelly even java does not starting when I load the page, however MarvinJS loads fine if I press the respective button.
User 870ab5b546
09-04-2015 14:02:12
Sorry, I deleted a necessary symlink. Try it now.
ChemAxon f052bdfe3c
16-04-2015 14:13:03
Sorry for the late reply and thank you for the link. We can see the issue now, but it was fixed in February.
Best regards,