User 870ab5b546
10-03-2015 16:59:54
See screen shot. Between Marvin 15.2.16 and Marvin 5.3.2, the placement of atom numbers has worsened considerably. Please fix.
User 870ab5b546
10-03-2015 16:59:54
See screen shot. Between Marvin 15.2.16 and Marvin 5.3.2, the placement of atom numbers has worsened considerably. Please fix.
ChemAxon f052bdfe3c
10-03-2015 17:05:36
Thank you for reporting it. Unfortunately, it was an unwanted result of one of our fix. We will fix this ASAP (hopefully the fix will introduced in 15.3.23) and we will also improve the automated testing to avoid this kind of regression in the future.
Thank you again and sorry for the inconveniences,