electron-flow arrow button stopped working

User 870ab5b546

17-12-2014 03:10:24

I'm giving an exam right now. In the past two hours, two students have shown me that when they had the MarvinSketch sketcher window open, and they were drawing a mechanism, at some point it became impossible for them to activate the two-electron electron-flow arrow by pressing the button. The one-electron arrow could be activated, as well as other buttons. I solved the problem by reloading the applet, but I thought you should know this happened. There are about 50 students in the room.

ChemAxon 2c555f5717

17-12-2014 15:43:36

Dear Bob,

I have created an issue to find out the root of your problem. Unfortunately I could not reproduce it. Was there a common property of the two computers? (Operating system. Browser, etc.)
