Invalid Mol String : Please help.

User 5f7f5d779f

04-11-2014 15:29:02

I am receiving Invalid mol string error when we do a structural search. Not sure how to fix it. I am looking for some suggestions, please help!

ChemAxon abe887c64e

05-11-2014 14:49:11

Dear Customer,

Not exactly clear in what kind of environment this error message was generated and what your mol string is. Could you give us a little bit more information?

Best regards,


User 5f7f5d779f

05-11-2014 15:16:40

kvajda wrote:

Dear Customer,

Not exactly clear in what kind of environment this error message was generated and what your mol string is. Could you give us a little bit more information?

Best regards,


We are trying to upgrade from Marvin sketch applet 5.3.7 to the latest version ( I have attached a sample mol file.

The error comes up when a mol file is loaded for a compound search.

Let me know what other details are needed.


ChemAxon abe887c64e

05-11-2014 15:31:02

Thank you for the information. Are you using JChem for structure search or any other software tool?


User 5f7f5d779f

05-11-2014 15:41:09

kvajda wrote:

Thank you for the information. Are you using JChem for structure search or any other software tool?


I don't thinks so.

The previous version was developed by someone else. I am now asked to upgrade it to the latest version.


ChemAxon d26931946c

05-11-2014 16:12:26

I could not reproduce your issue, the file opened fine in our demo applet:

Could you let us know some more of your workflow?



User 5f7f5d779f

05-11-2014 16:32:37

gezapeti wrote:

I could not reproduce your issue, the file opened fine in our demo applet:

Could you let us know some more of your workflow?



Yeah it just works fine in the Marvin Sketch applet 5.3.7, but not in the latest version of the applet, I am so clueless, as I have not changed any thing except for upgraded the applet files.

ChemAxon d26931946c

06-11-2014 14:01:42

Could you confirm that the file opens in the new applet too?


Could you check some log files for a more detailed error message?