Deploying Marvin Beans Across School Network

User 2df10301d9

13-10-2014 11:52:20

Hey guys

I am trying to deploy the Marvin Beans package across our school network. I can see there is a silent way to install Marvin Beans but is there a recommended way you have to get this from the server to the client machines? 

Also I need to deploy the licence file that the teacher has given me. I can see that the licence manager by default looks to C:\Users\%username%\Chemaxon\license.cxl but I want it to look to a centralised UNC path on the server. Can this be changed using a registry entry or something similar?


User 2df10301d9

13-10-2014 13:01:23

Ok I've answered my own question for deploying the software so just in case anybody else comes along this issue here is what I did.

I created a .bat file with the following inside:

@echo off

pushd \\ServerName\FolderName\Marvin Beans\

marvinbeans- -q


I then created a GPO with the above as a .bat computer startup script. This installs Marvin beans and creates desktop shortcuts, which I'd prefer not to have. If anyone know how to stop the shortcuts being created during the silent install I'd appreciate it. 

I still can't figure out the licence issue so if anyone knows how please let me know.

ChemAxon b124dd5f17

13-10-2014 13:09:48

Glad to see you worked some of this out.

I move this to another forum more relevant to your question.

User 2df10301d9

13-10-2014 13:30:41

alexa wrote:

Glad to see you worked some of this out.

I move this to another forum more relevant to your question.

Thanks Alexa

Is there a command line parameter that I can add will not add the desktop icons, just like how -q does a silent install?

Also can you help with the licence problem I have?

ChemAxon 2c555f5717

15-10-2014 09:29:46

Dear Guppy,

   Unfortunately only -q options performs silent install and it only installs with default options. However here you can find a solution: 

Using system variables:
