User e3f03c303b
02-10-2014 23:03:24
Hi, I've noticed that whenever a primary/secondary amine group occurs near to the top of a structure the hydrogen in the amine gets cut off. For example see the attached structure of fluoxetine. How would I overcome this problem?
ChemAxon 5693b0ec15
03-10-2014 08:30:09
thank you for your feed-back.
Unfortunately I can not reproduce the problem using default parameters.
Could you specify your settings used for image export?
Best regards,
Nikolett Mihala
User e3f03c303b
03-10-2014 10:13:31
I use a scale of 112 and an alpha channel (set to transparent).
ChemAxon 7936325a45
06-10-2014 08:34:46
I still could not reproduce this error. Can you specify your Marvin version?
User e3f03c303b
06-10-2014 08:55:17
All settings have been set according to this Wikipedia chemistry drawing guide [1]. Aside from the down wedge setting which I have set to default.
ChemAxon 7936325a45
06-10-2014 09:18:16
Thank you, that helped. I created a ticket in our issue tracking system. We will inform you in this forum topic when the fix is done.
ChemAxon f052bdfe3c
20-11-2014 09:32:35
The 14.11.24. release will contain the fix.
Best regards,