User 870ab5b546
17-07-2014 20:47:38
In Marvin, atom label size and template icon size are perceptibly smaller than in previous versions of Marvin, like Marvin 6.2.1. See the screen shots below. The scripts that invoke Marvin is the same in both cases.
ChemAxon 7936325a45
18-07-2014 08:53:39
Dear Bob,
We have changed and improved the label and text rendering for better publication quality. If you are using the atsiz startup parameter then it should be updated. If you send us your atsiz parameter value, we can recalculate it for you.
If I'm wrong and you are not using the atsiz parameter, then please send us the whole parameter list, so that we can find out what could cause the problem.
User 870ab5b546
18-07-2014 12:38:53
I use:
msketch_name = appletName;
msketch_begin('/nosession/' + marvinVersion, panelWidth, panelHeight);
msketch_param('menuconfig', configFileBld.toString());
msketch_param('molbg', '#ffffff');
// tried to change name of ACENewmanProjs.mrv to ACEConformers.mrv, but
// wouldn't work; don't know why not
msketch_param('ttmpls0', '*Generic*chemaxon/marvin/templates/ACE'+
(is3D ? 'NewmanProjs.mrv' : 'Generics.t'));
if (!is3D) {
msketch_param('abbrevgroups', 'chemaxon/marvin/templates/ACE.abbrevgroups');
msketch_param('scale', '32'); // C-C bond length in pixels; also increases font size
msketch_param('implicitH', hydrogensVisible);
msketch_param('sketchCarbonVisibility', getCVisibility(qFlags));
msketch_param('lonePairsVisible', getLonePairsVisible(qFlags));
msketch_param('valenceErrorVisible', valenceErrorVisible);
msketch_param('valencePropertyVisible', 'false');
msketch_param('chiralitySupport', getRSLabelsVisible(qFlags));
msketch_param('atomMappingVisible', getAtomMapping(qFlags));
msketch_param('atomPropertiesVisible', 'false');
// special case for public/hybrids.jsp, pKa.jsp, parity.jsp, testMarvin.jsp
appletName == 'hybridMarvin' ? 'true' : 'false');
// special case for public/comparetwo.jsp, skeletons.jsp,
// public/ACEStructure/synthTest.jsp, pasteSynthTest.jsp,
// authortool/evaluators/loadEvaluatorStruct.jsp.h
if (!['targetapplet', 'queryapplet', 'synthAuthApplet',
'evalApplet'].contains(appletName)) {
msketch_param('extraBonds', 'wedge,either,arom,coordinate');
} // if bond types should be restricted
msketch_param('mol', marvinMol);
msketch_param('reactionSupport', 'false');
msketch_param('skin', 'javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel');
msketch_param('legacy_lifecycle', !isLeopardSafari());
msketch_param('statusBar', 'true');
msketch_param('defaultTool', 'select');
msketch_param('licenseFile', 'license.cxl');
if (marvinVersion != 'marvin') {
msketch_param('molLoaderFinishedEvent', 'javascript:loadSelections();');
} // if old version of Marvin
msketch_mayscript = true;
But the scale parameter shouldn't affect the size of the icons in the toolbar, should it?
ChemAxon 7936325a45
18-07-2014 13:46:48
Dear Bob,
From, painting is depending on the DPI value of the display device. This and the scale parameter can cause the larger labels. I think, if you remove the scale parameter, the labels will be similar to earlier versions.
P.S.: We think that the location of msketch_mayscript = true; should be before the msketch_begin...; line, to take effect.