User f05f6b8c05
16-07-2014 02:17:48
Chemists here think that MPM and PMB should be the same structure and match the PMB structure in Marvinsketch, but MPM has aromatic bonds in Marvinsketch. Can you please confirm that MPM structure is correct? We are using Marvinsketch 5.12.4.
Thank you very much,
ChemAxon 5693b0ec15
16-07-2014 11:59:36
Dear Andrew,
you are completely right. Sorry for the mistake, it will be fixed for the next release.
Unfortunately you can not overwrite your abbreviated groups in your version (a feature introduced later) but you can fix this problem copying the attached file in your user/chemaxon folder or if you already have user.abbrevgroup file please add the content of the attached file to it.
Thank you for your help.
Best regards,
Nikolett Mihala
User f05f6b8c05
17-07-2014 14:49:08
Thanks for the quick response and for confirming!