bug in R/S labels display in MarvinSketch

User 870ab5b546

16-06-2014 16:21:16

Hi, I'm using MarvinSketch 6.2.1. If I manually go to View -> Stereo -> R/S Labels -> All, then I find that Marvin always shows the R/S labels, ignoring the chiralitySupport parameter telling it to turn off the R/S labels. If I go to View -> Stereo -> R/S Labels -> Off, then the chiralitySupport parameter works properly.

I should mention that I am using MarvinSketch as an applet in a Web page, not as the standalone desktop app.

ChemAxon 7936325a45

17-06-2014 09:12:29

Dear Bob,

Thank you for reporting this bug. I created a task in our issue tracking system and we will inform you when the fix is done.


ChemAxon f052bdfe3c

05-03-2015 09:44:48

Hi Bob,

I am happy to inform you that version 15.3.9 will contain the fix.

Best regards,
