User 39ade0cdf9
16-05-2014 02:21:25
Hello experts,
Today, we encountered a strange problem, on windows XP+IE browser, we can run the demo db_search program and static html page embeded with a marvin sketch or marvin view applet very well.
However, when we build jsp+J2EE page, embed a marvin sketch and a marvin mview applet at the same time, the marvin js file path is given with custom label like this:
<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1" SRC="<n:path path="/search/app/medicinesearch/marvin/marvin.js"/>"></script>
<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1">
msketch_begin("<n:path path="/search/app/medicinesearch/marvin"/>","500","500");
msketch_param("molbg", "#F0F0F0");
msketch_param("implicitH", "off");
msketch_param("undo", "50");
<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1" SRC="<n:path path="/search/app/medicinesearch/marvin/marvin.js"/>"></script>
<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1">
mview_name = "mview";
mview_begin("<n:path path="/search/app/medicinesearch/marvin"/>","400","400");
mview_param("rows", "1");
mview_param("cols", "1");
mview_param("border", "1");
mview_param("background", "#ffffff");
mview_param("molbg", "#ffffff");
mview_param("editable", "2");
//msketch_param("isMyTemplatesEnabled", "true");
//msketch_param("queryAtoms", "");
//msketch_param("atomStrings", "alias");
//msketch_param("extraBonds", "arom,wedge");
After we draw a structure in Marvin sketch and submit to the same page, display results in marvin view, everything is ok. But if you press F5 to refresh the web page, the structures are still there, I suppose these structures should be cleared after refresh.
When I only embed a simple marvin sketch applet in a pure webpage without any other codes, and the file path is given with custom label like: <n:path path="/search/app/medicinesearch/marvin"/>
The strcutures also is cleared! It works fine!
Attached is the applet information from help menu. Is there any solution for this problem?
Maybe the reason is mixing marvin sketch and mview applet at the same page? Cause we can get Javascript error like: