Marvin CTRL-V (paste) does not work

ChemAxon 587f88acea

07-07-2004 13:46:07

I can't manage to have the CTRL-V (paste) work with Marvin applet, whereas CTRL-C works fine.

Any idea why ?



ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

07-07-2004 14:54:50

POJ wrote:
I can't manage to have the CTRL-V (paste) work with Marvin applet, whereas CTRL-C works fine.

Any idea why ?

Hi Pierre-Olivier,

Are you sure that the clipboard is not empty? Does pasting work via (popup)menu ( Edit->Paste )?

From where did you try to copy? Where would you like to paste the molecule (MarvinView / MarvinSketch)?

Do you use AWT or Swing version of Marvin Applets?

You can find more info about copy / paste compatibility in the documentation:


ChemAxon 587f88acea

08-07-2004 07:54:05

Hi Tamas,

yes it works fine with edit->paste

I use the Swing version of Marvin Sketch Applet

No the clipbord is not empty


ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

08-07-2004 11:47:17

POJ wrote:
yes it works fine with edit->paste

I use the Swing version of Marvin Sketch Applet

Can you give me more info about your software environment?

- operating system

- browser type

- Java version

ChemAxon 587f88acea

08-07-2004 13:23:53

Windows 2000

IE 5.00.3315.1000

Java 1.4.0

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

09-07-2004 12:55:19

POJ wrote:
Windows 2000

IE 5.00.3315.1000

Java 1.4.0
I have tried the following example with Java 1.4.2 in IE to test the CTR+V shortcut:

but I have not found any problem.

Please try it with the latest Java version.

Is it working for you?

ChemAxon 587f88acea

15-07-2004 09:56:30

Sorry but it does not work better with java 1.4.2

ChemAxon 587f88acea

15-07-2004 12:09:33

it works indeed with Marvin Sketch but it does not with Marvin View

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

15-07-2004 20:43:45

It can be a focus problem. I have managed to reproduce it in IE 6, in Windows XP.

If MarvinView is not in a detached window CTR-V does not work. If you detach it, CTR+V already works.

Thanks for the bug report. We will fix it.

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

21-04-2006 08:27:36

The bug has been fixed. In the current Marvin (4.0.5), CTR+V works fine in the MarvinView applet.