User 16ab7ce5ee
09-02-2006 12:10:06
I received a mail with the licence keys. I have placed the marvin all marvin-all-4[1].0.4 directory in WebCT space. My question is where have I to place the licence keys and how? since I just have access to the directory of my subject.
ChemAxon fb166edcbd
10-02-2006 13:24:20
You should place the license file (licenses.dat) under
$HOME/chemaxon (windows)
$HOME/.chemaxon (linux)
where $HOME is your user home directory.
You can aslo type plugin license keys in the Marvin GUI on the plugin's option pane.
Refer to
for a more detailed license description.
From Marvin 4.1 there will be a graphical license key handler tool.