User 4caaa3dd84
03-02-2014 05:02:58
Hello Marvin-Devs,
I have problems exporting to pdf/svg/....
Somehow the images are cut too narrow. I had this phenomenon with CH3-Groups (which were auto-expanded on export and part of the letter H gone) and now with the brackets. Even an empty bracket isn't exported properly!
What's going on there?
Marvin 6.1.7 on Ubuntu 12.04 (64bit), all up-to-date.
ChemAxon f052bdfe3c
06-02-2014 16:20:23
I am sorry, it is really a bug. We created a task in our issue tracking system and we will let you now if it is fixed.
Best Regards,
User 4caaa3dd84
06-02-2014 21:16:33
Okay, thanks for the info!
I don't have an example with me, but want to remind you that this problem also occured with Methylgroups which were displayed as "-" in the drawing and then automatically expanded to CH3-Groups, where the left bar of the H also disappeared on exporting!
Good luck on the hunt,
User bdb0c5273a
24-02-2015 23:00:56
This bug is also happening to me, resulting in the reaction product usually being cut from the exported image, which, sadly, renders the whole program unusable. I tried adding a small H2 molecule as another product far to the right (with the intention for it to be cut on export); it did stretch the frame horizontally (so the product is partly visible), but not much, and completely failed to stretch the frame vertically.
MarvinSketch, build date 2015-02-16 with embedded Java 1.6.0_45 on Debian Wheezy.
Attaching example with purposely added H2 product.
ChemAxon d26931946c
25-02-2015 09:20:50
Thank you for the report.
We've managed to fix this issue and the fix will be available in our next release, 15.2.23. It's scheduled to be released today.
Best regards,
User bdb0c5273a
25-02-2015 15:35:37
Thank you very much for such a quick response! Image export works as expected now, so does "Save as PDF".