User 05d9866f9b
24-01-2014 20:43:35
Is there a way to define that abbreviated groups are expanded automatically as soon as the abbreviation is typed in and return is pressed (like ISIS - Abbreviate typed-in templates - setting).
We know about the ungroup contect sensitive menu item - but it would be fine to have the described option above as well.
Thanks for your reply - Edith
ChemAxon f052bdfe3c
06-02-2014 14:14:17
Hi Edith,
I am really sorry for the late reply. We had some problem on the forum and we was not able to see all the open ones.
If you type an abbreviation and press Shift, the abbreviated group will be expanded.
Please let me know whether this solution could work for you.
Best Regards,
User 05d9866f9b
10-02-2014 11:32:53
Hi Efi,
Yes - we recall it now - this option was shown in one of the trainings- but we didn't recall it.
So it is helpful to work with SHIFT - but the users would prefer an option where they can toogle between the 2 settings.
Option A: define ungroup as default, ungroup then with Shift
Option B: define grouped as default, group then with Shift.
Do you think this could be addressed in one of the next versions (priority : medium)
Thx, Edith
ChemAxon 5433b8e56b
21-02-2014 16:51:40
Hi Edith,
Efi is currently on sick leave possibly until mid next week. After she came back, she would like to handle all your Marvin related issues together. So she will put this to the list of issues and improvements you are talking about directly, and will answer you after she came back.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.