Default KEKULE FORM Need to set in MVIEW and MarvinSketch

User fec9e52845

08-01-2014 05:36:34


We able to set the default view of the marvin viewer to display benzene ring in Kekule form?

Will this form conversion be neglected for compounds which do not have benzene in their structure?

Please help regarding this.



ChemAxon f052bdfe3c

08-01-2014 10:43:09

Hi Siva,

Yes. You can. From API

MViewPane.getMol(cellIndex).aromatize(); // to convert to aromatic form.
MViewPane.getMol(cellIndex).dearomatize(); // to convert to kekule form.

You can find the related documentation here:


On the GUI, you can set it on the menu: Structure>Aromatic form>Conver To Kekule form.

"Will this form conversion be neglected for compounds which do not have benzene in their structure?"

 If the structure contains aromatic part (even if it is not a benzene ring), e.g., a Pyrrole ring (c1cc[nH]c1); it will be converted into Kekule form (N1C=CC=C1) as well.

Best Regards,
