User 91639c5720
02-12-2013 11:05:31
Is it possible to justify atom labels to read from right or left (as on ChemDraw), to prevent crowding? Also to have the bond attached to the correct atom of the group eg the Carbon of COOH (as the drawing on the right)/

Thank you
ChemAxon 00ec07c969
03-12-2013 15:44:06
Dear Trupti,
could you, please, tell me how the structure was drawn in the attached image? In MarvinSketch, if you type the abbreviation of the group (e.g., COOH) and then connect it to the molecule, then the bond will be attached to the correct atom of the group. Please, see the attached image for the result.
Best regards,
User 91639c5720
03-12-2013 15:53:53
Hi Dóra,
The drawing on the left is from Marvinsketch and on the right from Chemdraw. I realise the -COOH was not the best example to use for my question. I have tried attaching PPh3, -OGlc and other groups without much success, except if I use 'Alias' and then the bond attaches to the center of the group. I would like to be able to justify the text.
ChemAxon 00ec07c969
04-12-2013 15:09:25
Hi Trupti,
you can define a left name or a right name for abbreviated groups in the Source dialog (Edit > Source). For instance, the default -COOH group has the "HOOC" left name in MarvinSketch. As a result, the first COOH from the left side is written right to left. You can give similar left names to your custom groups as well.
As an example, I attach the MRV source file of the image attached above.
Unfortunately, this does not help in the case of the second -COOH group because in this vertical position the label will still be written left to right.
Best Regards,