.emf export in MarvinSketch

User 07206ada1e

29-11-2013 09:01:04

Bonds in .emf are shifted. See attachments. Same happens when ctrl+c\ctrl+v to MS Word.

Is this only my problem? Are there any solutions?

Marvin 6.1 x64/x86, Windows 7 x64, Office x86

UPD:  Seems to be font problem. Aharoni and Andalus are broken. Arial is fine.

UPD2: Structure exports absolutely identically only in SVG format. Any other option leads to total mess (with Aharini font, for example) or bonds  tending to stretch  (in case of Arial, see "EMF vs SVG"). It results in overlapping if bond lengths and/or font scale are too high.

ChemAxon 00ec07c969

29-11-2013 14:33:02

Dear Dmitry,

thank you for reporting this bug to us. We will fix it as soon as possible and inform you about the version which will contain the fix. In the meantime, could you, please, use another image format?


Best Regards,


User 07206ada1e

29-11-2013 15:18:57


MRV -> SVG -> PNG still works fine to me.

User 07206ada1e

30-11-2013 14:25:33

One more observation. When printing directly from Sketch, what you see is not what you get. Printed structures are much prettier, all bonds are rounded and distributed. I see all described above somehow connected with margins on atom and group labels.

ChemAxon f052bdfe3c

13-01-2014 15:09:28

We have
investigated this issue,  however we
could not find the reason of this bug on the Marvin side. Probably the problem occurs during the emf conversion for which we use standard .Net library of
Microsoft  and it may berelated to some rounding

We suggest you to
use the svg and png formats whenever is possible.

Best Regards,
