Mol file not showing the structure

User fec9e52845

21-11-2013 06:32:36



We have using .net application and Marvin 6.1 version. i am getting the attach Mol file from DB and try to set mol file to MSketch.

applet = document.getElementById("MSketch");

if (applet != null) {




"cacheMols", false);

Throw the error.

Please let me know the MOl file format is wrong or  any other soultion is availble

ChemAxon 4fa3cf533c

21-11-2013 11:06:50


It looks like the test MDL file is heavily damaged, it's missing many of the crucial whitespaces, and also seems like atoms and bonds are missing from the file. 

Could you provide information about this test file ? How it was made ?



Tamas Fazekas-Vígh