ChemAxon 60ee1f1328
25-01-2006 12:26:38
Time for a quickie, well here we go...
Is it possible to save the aliphatic/aromatic/both (A),(a),(A,a) information in a SMARTS string from marvin sketch? I have tried to do this by using save as Query SMARTS and CA extended SMARTS but this information does not appear to be present in the output string (Marvin 3.5.5).
Thanks for your help.
Is it possible to save the aliphatic/aromatic/both (A),(a),(A,a) information in a SMARTS string from marvin sketch? I have tried to do this by using save as Query SMARTS and CA extended SMARTS but this information does not appear to be present in the output string (Marvin 3.5.5).
Thanks for your help.