User d2950aa5e4
30-12-2005 08:11:19
I currently use MarvinSketch 3.5.1 and would like to upgrade for the recent version that (as I understand) supports the InChi. Is there any way how to do it without uninstall old / install new release ? Another question: could the molconverter be capable of generating the InChi names in batch mode using e.g. smiles as an input ?
ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf
30-12-2005 13:03:06
molconvert is a unix script. You do not need this if you have got Windows. Use the molconvert.bat which is a batch file.
Actually, overwriting the bin folder is not too lucky. But if you have done it, it is not a tragedy. The installed version of molconvert.bat included the absolute path of the Marvin Beans folder. The advantage of the installed version of molconvert.bat is that it can be launched from anywhere from your machine (since the installer wrote the Marvin Beans location into the file). There may be problem at using of the other molconvert.bat if you launch it outside the Marvin Beans' home directory.
ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf
02-01-2006 14:15:28
I don't think that the batch file is the best choice for you to manipulate the output of the converter. I suggest you to use the Marvin Beans API to append your text to the inchi export output.
I have created a simple example where the molecules are exported in both inchi and SMILES format into the output file.
You can run the attached example like this:
Code: |
java test/InchiAndSmiles inchi mols.smiles mols.inchi |