User 9cc9c09363
24-07-2013 15:35:44
Hi. I have produced the initial 3D geometry of molecules with Marvin sketch as follows.
1. paste SMILES in Marvin sketch
2. perform 'Clean 3D' (exactly, menu 'structure-clean 3D-clean in 3D')
Here I found from the following link that 'clean 3D' performs some kind of conformer analysis and returns low energy conformer
My question is whether the conformer analysis perfomed by clean 3D is equivalent to the conformer analysis which can be performed with the menu (calculation-conformation-conformers).
If not, could you let me know about the details about this analysis such as the specific method used or reference ?
Thank you very much in advance for your help.
ChemAxon 8b644e6bf4
25-07-2013 21:04:55
My question is whether the conformer analysis
perfomed by clean 3D is equivalent to the conformer analysis which can
be performed with the menu (calculation-conformation-conformers).
The same code is executed in both cases. The Clean 3D action uses the default parameters which is equivalent with 1 conformer requested to generate.
A brief introduction (usage and inner workings) can be found at
User 9cc9c09363
26-07-2013 07:31:43
Thank you very much for your answer.
A follow-up question is whether the conformer generated is the one with the lowest energy as you can see in the screenshot below or just a random conformer without any energetic consideration ?

ChemAxon 8b644e6bf4
26-07-2013 11:00:34
A follow-up question is whether the conformer
generated is the one with the lowest energy as you can see in the
screenshot below or just a random conformer without any energetic
consideration ?
We found a bug regarding the handling of "Calculate lowest energy conformer"; this will be fixed soon. Currently when this checkbox is checked the result will be the same as the default coordinate generations result.
Clean3D internally generates multiple conformations for fragments and for the molecule; at the end the resulting conformers are optimized and the ones with the best energies are returned. Coordinate diversity limit also considered.