User 870ab5b546
23-06-2004 19:42:02
It would be VERY nice to turn a structure in the 3D viewer, choose a certain perspective on it, and then transfer that perspective of that structure into the 2D viewer. For example, if I draw cyclohexane, add the H atoms, and minimize to the chair, the perspective that I see makes it hard to see all the H atoms. Even if I go to the 3D viewer and rotate the structure in space, and even if I choose Edit -> Clean 3D -> Select conformer, rotate a conformer in space, and select it, the structure that is imported back into MarvinSketch doesn't have the perspective I have chosen.
Seems to me this shouldn't be too hard to program. You just have to take the current xyz coordinates in the 3D viewer when transferring a structure back to the 2D viewer.
Seems to me this shouldn't be too hard to program. You just have to take the current xyz coordinates in the 3D viewer when transferring a structure back to the 2D viewer.