User 62a37f4796
19-06-2013 16:19:43
We like to provide our students with a Serif font in MarvinSketch to make sure that they can distinguish 1, l, i, I etc.
The MarvinSketch app provides a nice setting under Preferences >> Display >> Font >> Bookman Old Style to do just that (thanks!).
However, when we use molconvert to create images a Sans Serif font is used and some of the detail from the (elaborate) student answers are lost or obscured.
I could not find documentation in that a choice of fonts is available for molconvert.
We would therefore like to request that molconvert adds support for at least one Serif Font.
ChemAxon f052bdfe3c
21-06-2013 19:35:44
Hi Michiel,
I am afraid, that our image export documentation is quite insufficient. We have an option for setting the Serif font type (atomFont:Serif-PLAIN-12), however, unfortunately you cannot set the font alone (known bug). I suggest applying this:
>molconvert "pdf:atomFont:Serif-PLAIN-12,#rggbb000" test.mrv -o test_serif.pdf
Does it work for you?
Best Regards,
User 62a37f4796
24-06-2013 13:34:36
ehoffmann wrote: |
Hi Michiel,
I am afraid, that our image export documentation is quite insufficient. We have an option for setting the Serif font type (atomFont:Serif-PLAIN-12), however, unfortunately you cannot set the font alone (known bug). I suggest applying this:
>molconvert "pdf:atomFont:Serif-PLAIN-12,#rggbb000" test.mrv -o test_serif.pdf
Does it work for you?
Best Regards,
Hi Efi,
This gets us part of the way there. When students are working in "skeleton mode", i.e. all C and H atoms connected to C atoms are implied only, the font option turns some of the C atoms into an explicitly labeled atom. I don't know if that's intentional or not, but it again breaks the symmetry between what is shown in the applet and what is shown in the image.
I'm using the following syntax to create these images:
molconvert.bat "png:atomFont:Serif-PLAIN-12,chargeWithCircle,w300,h200" "trityl cation.mrv" -o serif.png
the only difference being the "atomFont:Serif-PLAIN-12" as you suggested.
By the way, the "chargeWithCircle" is not applied by molconvert if the Sans-Serif font is used, just like in the applet (I reported this earlier; I think you wrote it should be fixed in 6.2).
It is important to us that the solution (using the images from molconvert) accurately reflects the work students are supposed to do in the applet, such that students do not go looking for features in the solution that they cannot replicate in the applet.
All other things being equal, this gets us there most of the way, though there is still some work to be done.
ChemAxon f052bdfe3c
26-06-2013 12:04:51
Hi Michiel,
If you do not want to see the carbon label, please apply the cv_off parameter: png:atomFont:Serif-PLAIN-12,chargeWithCircle,w300,h200, cv_off" "trityl cation.mrv" -o serif.png
and I have to confiremed it is still a bug in the applet and in the molconvert that this case the charge is not in a circle, we have to fix this.
Best Regards,