Remove NMR calculator plugin

User 2cf84152df

16-05-2013 08:38:36


 We embed MarvinSketch in our project and now we are upgrading from 5.4 to the latest version that has a new NMR plugin. It seems that right now our users don't need it - is it possible to remove a plugin from MarvinBeans-plugin.jar? Thanks!

ChemAxon 2c555f5717

16-05-2013 10:12:34

Dear Vinazaryants!

   You can use the View > Costumize menu to remove NMR calucaltions from menu. You can use this customised look to be the deafult layout. In this case your useres can not reachj it, and if you have a custimised view than your useres can not change it. Is this solution sufficient for you?


User 2cf84152df

06-06-2013 06:44:52


Sorry for late reply, we were trying to make things work for MarvinSketch 6. Unfortunately, we still have the need to reduce the size of the download for our MarvinSketch applet, so we're removing chemaxon.calculations.nmr from MarvinBeans-plugin.jar and try to remove relevant menu items via API, and hope that it will work...

ChemAxon f052bdfe3c

07-06-2013 16:21:36


Please do not remove chemaxon.calculations.nmr from MarvinBeans-plugin.jarit can break your application.

