User 25b03e3a50
06-05-2013 14:46:17
RE: View ChemAxon Marvin Molecule Images with ChemDB Portal
When trying to view a molecule image that ChemDB Portal generates from a SMILES at:
the image is not showing up.
This is with Image Module "ChemAxon Marvin" selected.
With Internet Explorer a box with a red X shows up instead.
Recently this same problem came up.
An unknown sequence of keys then solved the problem,
and the molecule images were appearing.
After rebooting the computer, the molecule images again are not appearing.
The image also does not appear with Chrome and Firefox.
The red X means that the image is not being found or is not supported:
Turning on compatibility view did not change this.
ChemDB Portal also allows clicking on the image box to bring up MView3D from ChemAxon KFT in a new browser window.
This problem with the image not showing is new.
It came up after updating Java to a new version.
ChemAxon 5433b8e56b
07-05-2013 09:54:36
It seems to me as I am tested it just a few minutes ago, the image export webservice you are using to generate the images is unavailable, that is why you see the red x, because the AJAX query for the image returned an empty image.
When I try to use the applet version, the applet can not find the specified input mulecule, and shows an error message.
Can you fix those issues first, and get back to us if there is still problems remained?
To be able to help with the image processing, we will need to see the code snippet which is generating the image. In the mean time you can check whether the image export service you are calling is generating the image or not? Currently as I saw it have thrown a 404 http error.
User 25b03e3a50
09-05-2013 12:05:50
This matter has resolved itself, and the images now appear.
Previously this problem occurred with 3 different internet browsers,
which I tested to help determine if it was a matter of a browser setting,
or the service that I was using.
The problem occurred intermittently.
The site has no help form that I could find, so I tried here.
Anyway it is working now so the problem has been fixed at the site.
Thanks for looking at it.