User 42f208ce8e
02-05-2013 12:27:40
I have an SDF file with 200 molecules containing structures along with the textual data (textual data related to the molecules) opened in Marvin View.
I have searched for some textual data using Edit > Find option and the hits were highlighted with blue mark. Then I tried to used Edit > find option to search one more time, but the option is greyed (disabled) and I am unable to run search. Could someone help me how can I run multiple search?
ChemAxon 2c555f5717
03-05-2013 08:50:48
Dear Yogitha!
I can not reproduce your problem with Marvin 5.12 on Windows 7 (64 bit). What version of Marvin do you use? What is your OS?
User 42f208ce8e
03-05-2013 12:29:51
bzaicsek wrote: |
Dear Yogitha!
I cna not reproduce your problem with Marvin 5.12 on Windows 7 (64 bit). What version of Marvin do you use? What is your OS?
Regards: Balázs
Dear Balázs ,
I used 5.11 and could not run multiple search in Marvin View.
ChemAxon 2c555f5717
03-05-2013 13:42:34
I have tested it with 5.11 as well. I have used this file, and could not reproduce the problem. Do you have any problems with this file? (If no, than can you send me anything to test with?) Do you use a 32 or 64 bit version of Marvin? What Java version do you have?
ChemAxon 2c555f5717
06-05-2013 07:23:32
Dear Yogitha!
We might have found a workaround for you. We have some design issues which might cause your problem. The Edit menu in the top of the Marvin View window is the same as the contextual menu of Marvin View, what you can reach when you right-clik on a structure. We can not search inside a structure, so we do not support search in that case. This also means that you can not search when a structure is selected.
This can be really inconvenient, but you have to abolish the selection to reactivate Find again. (You can do this by reclicking on the selected structure. If you do not remember what structure have you selected, select any structure and deselect it again.)
I hope it can help.
User 42f208ce8e
06-05-2013 09:32:55
Dear Balazs,
Thanks for the work around. It works.