User 3c2507de9f
22-11-2005 19:01:40
I seem to have problems loading a pdb file into the new version of Marvin (4.0.3). Strngely, I had (and still have) no problem loading this same file into version 3.5.5. I have attached the pdb file
ChemAxon efa1591b5a
23-11-2005 12:43:44
Marvin 4 replaced the old PDB reader by a newer one that tries to process all records in PDB files (in contrast to the old reader that ignored all records other than ATOM, HETATM and CONECT).
The file you attached contains non-standard records produced by the Swiss-PdbViewer. These are at the end of the file in SPDBV records. These lines cause the new reader fail. This problem will be fixed and it will be available in the next patch release of Marvin. Thanks for the letting us know this particular problem. Sorry about the inconvenience.