User f5e6ccf034
15-11-2005 03:31:41
I am using the Marvin classes from jchem3.jar (MSketchPane, to be precise) and now, after not using it for a while, I am getting "License key file not found: C:\Documents and Settings\olefevre\chemaxon\licenses.dat". I have completely forgotten what it should contain and a search for "licenses.dat" against your web site returned empty. So, where is the format of that file explained?
ChemAxon fb166edcbd
15-11-2005 13:17:54
In Marvin 4.0 and 4.0.1 there is a bug: it always writes this message if the license file is not found, even if you do not use any feature which requires a license key. In Marvin only plugins require license keys. If you do not use plugins or licensed products from JChem (e.g. Reactor, Standardizer, Fragmenter) then simply ignore this message. The bug has been fixed since then and the latest Marvin 4.0.3 and JChem 3.1.3 do not display this misleading message. You can download the latest versions from
You can read about the ChemAxon license handling mechanism and the file format here:
The name of the license key file has been changed from licenses.txt to licenses.dat but the system also accepts the old license file. If you are unsure where the file should be located, serch for and the license file should be located in the same directory.
In the next major Marvin release Marvin 4.1. there will be a graphical license handling tool
accessible both from Marvin and as a standalone application.
User f5e6ccf034
15-11-2005 22:59:23
Thanks. I was also pretty sure I had never run into this message before.