ChemAxon 587f88acea
22-06-2004 08:18:56
When inserting a structure I 've got sometime the following message : Warning : Partial parity information is applied
What does it mean ? what are concequences ? how can I catch this warning ?
ChemAxon 25dcd765a3
22-06-2004 18:37:43
I suppose you are inserting a SMILES string.
In this case 2D coordinates are generated, and the parity specified in the SMILES string should appear as up/down wedges in the molecule. You get this warning because it was not possible to arrange the wedges to get the same parities specified in the SMILES string.
As a consequence the molecule you have in the viewer has less parity information than in the SMILES string.
Actually you cannot catch this warning.
ChemAxon 25dcd765a3
22-06-2004 19:00:54
Could you write me the problematic SMILES if possible, to examine the problem more deeply.
ChemAxon 587f88acea
24-06-2004 08:12:31
Sorry but I don't try to insert any smile ... it is a molfile and I as I can't catch this warning I can not say which of my 47000 moecules is concerned ...
ChemAxon 25dcd765a3
24-06-2004 11:05:27
To detect the problem I need your help. Where from and where to have you inserted this molfile.
A Molfile usually has the 2D coordinates already, so I have to find out why your program gets into the 2D cleaning process (where this warning is originated from).
Don't you use somewhere in your code molecule cleaning:
Code: |
ChemAxon 587f88acea
04-04-2005 13:00:29
i have a similar problem. The warning:
Warning: Partial parity information is applied.
appears when applying the pKaPlugin to mol-Files.
An example for an affected file is attached.
sincerely seb
ChemAxon 43e6884a7a
04-04-2005 13:24:50
What do you do exactly when you get this message? I cannot reproduce the error.
Anyway, you can neglect the warning, because the problem will not have any influence on the prediction.