User 257dcb0bed
24-01-2013 16:24:08
Please help. Losing my life force.
Error reading template set location: marvin.mytemplates
chemaxon.marvin.sketch.templates.TemplateIOException: Error reading template set location: marvin.mytemplates
at chemaxon.marvin.sketch.templates.TemplateSetLocation.createTemplateSet(
at chemaxon.marvin.sketch.templates.TemplateSetLocation.getTemplateSet(
at chemaxon.marvin.sketch.templates.TemplateLibrary.getTemplateSets(
at chemaxon.marvin.sketch.swing.templates.TemplateHandler.initClean2DTemplates(
at chemaxon.marvin.sketch.swing.templates.TemplateHandler.initTemplateSets(
at chemaxon.marvin.sketch.swing.templates.TemplateHandler.init(
at chemaxon.marvin.sketch.swing.SketchPanel.molInit(
at chemaxon.marvin.common.swing.MolPanel.init(
at chemaxon.marvin.common.swing.MolPanel.setProperties(
at chemaxon.marvin.sketch.swing.SketchPanel.setProperties(
at chemaxon.marvin.beans.MarvinPane.setParams(
at chemaxon.marvin.beans.MarvinPane.init(
at chemaxon.marvin.beans.MSketchPane.<init>(
at chemaxon.marvin.beans.MSketchPane.<init>(
at chemaxon.marvin.Sketch.<init>(
at chemaxon.marvin.Sketch.main0(
at chemaxon.marvin.Sketch.main(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at com.exe4j.runtime.LauncherEngine.launch(Unknown Source)
at com.install4j.runtime.launcher.MacLauncher.main(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at apple.launcher.LaunchRunner.callMain(
at apple.launcher.JavaApplicationLauncher.launch(
ChemAxon 2c555f5717
24-01-2013 16:46:17
Please, could you specify which installer did yus use?
In your home directory should be a chemaxon (on windows or .chemaxon on Linux or Mac) folder, wher should be a file called: marvin.mytemplates , whit this content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><cml version="ChemAxon file format v5.10.0, generated by vunknown">
Is it there?
User 257dcb0bed
24-01-2013 16:57:10
bzaicsek wrote: |
Please, could you specify which installer did yus use?
In your home directory should be a chemaxon (on windows or .chemaxon on Linux or Mac) folder, wher should be a file called: marvin.mytemplates , whit this content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><cml version="ChemAxon file format v5.10.0, generated by vunknown">
Is it there?
I am using a Macbook. I followed these instructions to put Marvin Sketch on my computer:
"The student should go to the following website:
When the window opens they should go to:
<download><Marvin><Marvin for endusers & Java developers> and download ver. 5.11.5
The downloaded file should be marvinbeans-5.11.5-macros.dmg which, when opened should install the newest version of Marvin."
I am not sure what or where a "home directory" is. Please bear with me.
ChemAxon f052bdfe3c
24-01-2013 19:36:07
Home directory:
/Users/USERNAME/.chemaxon ( where USERNAME is your name/nickname)
Can you see something similar on your Mackbook?
User 257dcb0bed
24-01-2013 19:54:04
ehoffmann wrote: |
Home directory:
/Users/USERNAME/.chemaxon ( where USERNAME is your name/nickname)
Can you see something similar on your Mackbook?
Is that something I see inside a certain program? Or is this something on my Mac that has nothing to do with the program? I don't know what sequence of things to click with my mouse in order to get to the home directory.
ChemAxon f052bdfe3c
24-01-2013 19:58:52
User 257dcb0bed
25-01-2013 03:20:52
I tried the zip offered in the other thread.
I can't find any file named marvin.mytemplates.
thanks anyway.
ChemAxon 2c555f5717
25-01-2013 07:34:37
That was posted by me, and I sent another file by mistake, but please, use this file:
User 257dcb0bed
25-01-2013 12:30:38
bzaicsek wrote: |
That was posted by me, and I sent another file by mistake, but please, use this file:
I downloaded it. Double clicked on the download. Then tried to open Marvin Sketch.
same error. no improvement.
ChemAxon 2c555f5717
25-01-2013 16:11:03
Did you uncompress this file, and copied the conent of it to the .chemaxon folder in your home folder? (You wrote, that you have doubleclicked on the file, but you haven't wrote, that you have copied it to the above specified location.)
User 257dcb0bed
26-01-2013 21:35:51
bzaicsek wrote: |
Did you uncompress this file, and copied the conent of it to the .chemaxon folder in your home folder? (You wrote, that you have doubleclicked on the file, but you haven't wrote, that you have copied it to the above specified location.)
I don't know how to 'uncompress' it. That is not an option when I right click the desk top icon of the zip file.
I can't find the folder in the first place so I haven't copied anything to that folder.
ChemAxon 2c555f5717
28-01-2013 12:01:25
I hope, this will help:
first, you should download the file

Than, you can open it with the little magnifying icon:

than you can see it between downloads:

than you have to start a terminal: (Applications/Utilities/Terminal)

now you have 2 possible solutions
1.: Write this to terminal, than press enter: cp Downloads/marvin.mytemplates .chemaxon/

Type this to terminal, and press enter: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE

than write this to terminal, and press enter: killall Finder

than open finder, and go to downloads, right-click on marvin.mytemplate, and select Copy "marvin.mytemplates"

than go to .chemaxon folder, and right-click, and select Paste Item

ChemAxon 2c555f5717
28-01-2013 12:40:58
I hope, now everything runs smoothly. Please find us with any further question.