Disable right click popup menu in MarvinView?

User 9b0b2c1b48

23-01-2013 16:31:25

Is it possible to disable the pop menu resulting from right clicking the MarvinView applet? Or better yet disable the determination of R/S or E/Z?

Or maybe its possible to intercept right click with jquery or YUI or somehting.

Carl LeBlond

ChemAxon 2c555f5717

24-01-2013 15:49:09

Dear Carl LeBlond!

   I think we can not offer to you yur prefered solution. However you cen set two things: chiralitySupport and ezVisible by adding as a prameter to your applet. I hope, I could help.



p.s.: At this point we do not support JavaScript for functions like this. For JavScript interacts I would recomand you our Marvin for JavaScript solution which is an editor, it is in a pre-release state, but it might suits your wishes.