User 36e4c67569
08-01-2013 13:18:03
With Marvin Sketch 5.11.4 and all previous versions that I used, the image export option (File->Save As) only exports the visible part of the window, including white space.
Is it possible to export images in a way, so that they would get cropped automatically, to inclue all visible parts and minimum white space?
I know, that this result can be obtained by molconvert.bat.
Secondly, is it possible to open other mrv file in a window, that already exists (marvinsketch preferred), instead of starting a new instance of marvinview?
Thirdly, how can one change default text font for all future documents? I mean the font used in text boxes.
Best Regards
ChemAxon 2c555f5717
10-01-2013 08:27:22
plan to release Marvin 5.12 on early February. In this version
image export would work as you have described so.
We don't have any
property to set the default font style of the text boxes, but you can
try the following: Just put down all of your textboxes to the canvas,
fill them with your texts, and when you have finished change to
selection tool, select all of your textboxes (or press ctrl+A) right
click on one of them, and select format from the pop up menu (or
press alt+E F) than you can alter the preferences at once. I hope, it
Unfortunately you can
not customize Marvin View from command line as easily as in applet
mode, but you can edit your file (you found it on
windows in your home directory by:
%HOME%\chemaxon\, and add this line:
which will make view to
start a sketch by double clicking a molecule.
User 36e4c67569
16-01-2013 14:56:17
Thank you for your reply. I set the property an MarvinView as you described. But there is a slight problem with saving files.
The file saving does not work consistently across the application - mainly. It is not possible to for me to save an image file including its source as a commment selectin File->Save dialog in MarvinSketch. The only option is to it throug File->Save As Image.
And alhough the dialog looks the same in MarvinView, and it even promts, whether I wish to save the source, it does not save it. The same with MolConvert (there are options for turning saving of source off, but result is the same).
Moreover, the only format I was succesful with saving the source code into was jpg (but it may work with others, i tried only png).
To conclude, I guess, that this is the best free drawing software available, and currently the only option if I want to produce latex images (i made svg->pgf convert script), but these problems make it quite inconvenient to use.
ChemAxon 2c555f5717
17-01-2013 12:46:50
I can see your point: Save should not provide image saving, images only should be exported. In the next main version of Marvin we will only support molecule files from save.
The bug you mentioned with view is a freshly known issue, we will handle it. (And we will also investigate the molcoinverter issue as well.)
I have tested jpg and png as well, and I always could found "zTXtmolSource" string in png files saved from Sketch with Save As Image option, and I could also import moleculesource with our tools from it. Could you send me a faulty png file?
User 36e4c67569
29-01-2013 20:09:10
Dear Mr. Balázs,
this is what i get, when I "Save as Image" some example image. The first file in the attached zip is png, the other jpg. They were both created with one instance of msketch 5.11.4_b82
The jpg file works fine, but png does not include the source (although the "save molecule source into image" checkbox was checked when saving both of them).
Best Regards
ChemAxon 2c555f5717
30-01-2013 12:18:13
Dear Erik!
The image has the molecule source in the molecule file, it is
"iTXtmolSource EN-US molSource xśŤRËnÂ0Ľó+ź‹cŻ˝N,… T.=piű&)Ź*Dţľ6ji$˘
Îľ;ÚfÁ$lYäĺ{ţôőęŇ6°?TömW»ÎÄĄŕâ >|ă;×űl‡+*ąfĹ,߬ŰňTű¦/ňMT8”®zë»S€ş|y
ŹPI™F+Ž”cŃ*e4iL§±©^ÁÉJĄ„‘M&ěĆ`ćš“!ˇ”MŤÎ¤ĹSKB¦B‘EŁSľÚfJ’ÎD¦¬„V¦1(upW$h‚t'âJnyů¶mvŁňŕ«ßń'Cm·ó]XolŚ”i˘ąńb\ÉCĸ¸‡¬ăzR¤ńŚ#Ĺd”@ň{]ˇĽ»Ľäď,gyÎĽ}âŮ.SuR€ ÷" here.
Thanks to you, we have found that our importer can fail with iTXt format. We will investigate this issue.