User 172ea235d6
06-11-2005 00:42:01
Hi. i cannot seem to figure out how to insert a subscript and parantheses,
for example how would you draw this compound Cr(H2O)6 ???
thnak you
ChemAxon a3d59b832c
07-11-2005 09:05:52
If you want to preserve chemical correctness of the underlying structure (regarding structural searches, formula, etc.), I suggest to use Superatom sgroups. The attached file contains the required group as expanded and contracted group. To draw this, I first drew the underlying structure, selected it and used Edit/Groups/Create. Then I selected Superatom type and typed "Cr(H2O)6" as Name.
If chemical correctness is not that necessary, you can also use atom aliases for this. The following forum topic covers this:
Best regards,