User 55ffa2f197
03-01-2013 17:40:43
Hi, what is the defult mode to aromatize molecule for a GraphMolecule, in method molecule.aromatise(). I know you have basic/chemaxon (1), general/daylight (2), and loose mode(3). It does not look like is the basic (1) based on my test. Can you let me know?
ChemAxon 2c555f5717
04-01-2013 09:15:57
The method falls back to General (2) method. "Only single or double bonds are changed to aromatic, aromatic bonds are not changed."
Se more: Marvin API documentation
User 55ffa2f197
04-01-2013 12:54:37
Thanks for confirming this. We are in the process of converting Tripos SLN's queries into smarts and found that the general mode aromaticity is quite different from the Tripos aromaticity rule. The basic is close to what Tripos is using still there are minor differences. I think aromaticity will affect the donor and acceptor counts. I tried to call calculator plugin using the basic mode of aromaticity, however looks like the calculator plugin such as TopologyAnalyser would disregard the setting and rollback to the general based on my observation of the calculation on aromatic ring count. In my mind it should not, it should take in the mode user set. Can you confirm this with your calculator plugin developer.
User 851ac690a0
07-01-2013 14:41:43
I think aromaticity will affect the donor and acceptor counts.
Yes, it is right. We use the basic aromatization method for calculating of the donor-acceptor count.
...TopologyAnalyser would disregard the setting and
rollback to the general based on my observation of the calculation on
aromatic ring count. In my mind it should not, it should take in the
mode user set.
Yes , I agree with this. The aromatization should be adjustable on user's demands. This problem will be solved asap.
User 55ffa2f197
07-01-2013 15:06:37
Hi Jozsi,
Can you double check on last point, the TopologyAnalyzor will ignor the aromaticity setting user designated before calling its setMol method. Base on my test it is true. If it is so does this occur across the board on all your calculator plugins as of now?
User 851ac690a0
07-01-2013 15:58:05
If it is so does this occur across the board on all your calculator plugins as of now?
Yes, it is true.
This is done intentionally because the parameters of a calculation have been optimized under a specific aromatization type, (basic or general). This is why the user don't have permission to modifiy such kind of key parmater as aromatization type.
The topology analyser seems to be an exception because the aromatic atom count depends only on the definition of the aromatization, therefore, in this plugin we have to provide an option for overwriting the default aromatization type. So we fix this problem now.
User 851ac690a0
08-01-2013 12:30:37
Hi Dong,
Sorry, my informaion was not adequate yesterday.
Probably there is an alternative way to set aromatization method in TopologyAnalyser. I was informed by a developer even now.
You will be informed soon how to do.
ChemAxon e08c317633
08-01-2013 13:15:06
User 55ffa2f197
08-01-2013 14:03:42
Thanks for the information. I am using Marvin 5.8.2 API, I just need to upgrade to 6.
ChemAxon e08c317633
08-01-2013 14:26:12