Standardizer java API

User 07c4f121e4

10-10-2012 10:34:32

I'm trying to do some scripted standardization using the Java API, but I see the entire chemaxon.reaction.Standardizer class is marked as deprecated. I can't, however, find any indication of what class should be used instead. All the documentation still points to this class, and all the examples still use it.

The chemaxon.reaction.StandardizerException class suggests to use chemaxon.standardizer.StandardizerException instead, but the chemaxon.standardizer package does not seem to be documented or provided in the download.

Can you provide any information on what's happening here?

ChemAxon f250711500

10-10-2012 14:14:08

The following release WILL contain the public API of the new
Standardizer. We apologize for the inconvenience!

In the version 5.11 the Standardizer API has been redesigned.

The goal of the redesign was to create a method for API users to
implement their own Standardizer

actions. (Like it is already available for Structure Checker API users)

The old Standardizer class is a wrapper now for the new Standardizer
class, and will NOT be removed

in upcoming 5.* versions.

The new Standardizer class is located at the package chemaxon.standardizer.

Main classes:



Using these 2 classes you can get almost all functionalities of the old
Standardizer mechanism.

New features introduced by the redesign:

- method for users to implement their own Standardizer actions

- configurations can be managed from API

Best Regards,
