User f05f6b8c05
17-05-2012 10:36:41
We compare standardizer "clean" to "clean:full" .. we prefer "clean" because it retains the original molecule orientation, but notice that "clean:full" does better cleaning.
After cleaning, we run OverlappingAtomsChecker, OverlappingBondsChecker, BondAngleChecker(2.5), and BondLengthChecker.
For 1735 structures, after "clean":
163 Structure problems: Bad bond lengths found
2 Structure problems: Overlapping atoms found
6 Structure problems: Overlapping atoms found; Overlapping bonds found
76 Structure problems: Overlapping atoms found; Overlapping bonds found; Bad bond lengths found
72 Structure problems: Overlapping bonds found
2 Structure problems: Overlapping bonds found; Bad bond angles found
78 Structure problems: Overlapping bonds found; Bad bond lengths found
(total = 399)
For same structures, after "clean:full":
160 Structure problems: Overlapping atoms found; Overlapping bonds found
2 Structure problems: Overlapping atoms found; Overlapping bonds found; Bad bond lengths found
82 Structure problems: Overlapping bonds found
(total = 244)
Is there a way to get better cleaning of "clean:full", while still retaining orientation of structure?