clean vrs. clean:full

User f05f6b8c05

17-05-2012 10:36:41



We compare standardizer "clean" to "clean:full" .. we prefer "clean" because it retains the original molecule orientation, but notice that "clean:full" does better cleaning.

After cleaning, we run OverlappingAtomsChecker, OverlappingBondsChecker, BondAngleChecker(2.5), and BondLengthChecker.

For 1735 structures, after "clean":

 163 Structure problems:  Bad bond lengths found

   2 Structure problems:  Overlapping atoms found

   6 Structure problems:  Overlapping atoms found; Overlapping bonds found

  76 Structure problems:  Overlapping atoms found; Overlapping bonds found; Bad bond lengths found

  72 Structure problems:  Overlapping bonds found

   2 Structure problems:  Overlapping bonds found; Bad bond angles found

  78 Structure problems:  Overlapping bonds found; Bad bond lengths found

(total = 399)


For same structures, after "clean:full":

 160 Structure problems:  Overlapping atoms found; Overlapping bonds found

   2 Structure problems:  Overlapping atoms found; Overlapping bonds found; Bad bond lengths found

  82 Structure problems:  Overlapping bonds found

(total = 244)


Is there a way to get better cleaning of "clean:full", while still retaining orientation of structure?




ChemAxon e500b51457

23-05-2012 20:14:19


Sorry for the late answer, we are investigating the issuee. We need some more time to find the cause.



ChemAxon e500b51457

24-05-2012 07:56:06


Could you send us the structure please?




User f05f6b8c05

24-05-2012 13:14:38

I will try to collect some examples .. thanks

ChemAxon 25dcd765a3

04-06-2012 13:10:17


Actually "clean:full" takes the whole molecule and generates new coordinates for the atoms, while "clean" fixes the coordinates of the atoms which are not modified during the standardizer transformation and tries to partially clean the modified atoms.

It is not possible to use "clean:full" in the partial clean sense, but we can look into the problems you faced with the "clean" and try to fix them.

User f05f6b8c05

05-06-2012 22:16:28

Thanks .. I've collected some examples for our meeting.



