<implH> in standardizer

User 7c5047cd7b

15-09-2005 05:56:46

The Version of standardize is 3.1.

I pasted my config file(rule1.xml) and two MRV file.

Please test as the following command:

standardize -c rule1.xml input1.mrv -f mrv -o 1.mrv

standardize -c rule1.xml input2.mrv -f mrv -o 2.mrv

My rule is to keep the wedge H.

You will find implH remove the normal H

and change the wedge H to the normal H at 2.mrv

but keep the wedge H at 1.mrv.

Is it a bug of standardizer?

Best regards

ChemAxon fb166edcbd

15-09-2005 12:20:50

You should specify



in the ImplH task to remove wedged H atoms:


<implH ID="implh" Charged="True" Isotope="True" Mapped="true" Lonely="true" Radical="true" Wedged="true"/>

or else you can use the Dehydrogenize task to remove lonely, wedged and unspecific H atoms but keep the others (mapped, isotope, ...). You can use Dehydrogenize in the XML config or in a simple action string:


standardize -c "dehydrogenize" input1.mrv -f mrv -o o1.mrv

standardize -c "dehydrogenize" input2.mrv -f mrv -o o2.mrv

Please refer to the Standardizer configuration documentation for configuration issues.

User 7c5047cd7b

15-09-2005 13:23:20

Hi nora

I would like to know

why implH changed the wedge H to the normal H at 2.mrv.

ChemAxon fb166edcbd

15-09-2005 14:31:28

Yes, this is a bug in the release and even in the JChem 3.1.1 release but it has been corrected already - the correction will be available in the next bugfix release, we will let you know when it is ready.