Adding Hydrogens change molecule coordinates

User ed9697d993

16-12-2011 14:12:16


I'm using the 5.5 version of JChem and i'm trying to put explicit hydrogens in my sdf files, using standardizer.

I'm running the following command:

standardize 0Z1_1ela_A.sdf -c add_H.xml -f sdf -o 0Z1_1ela_A_with_H_command_line.sdf

In add_H.xml, I have only one action:

<AddExplicitH ID="AddExplicitH"/>

Well, the hydrogens are added... the problem is, I have lines which were like this:

41.0260   23.4570   37.5520 C   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0

which transform into:

2.8494    1.7190    3.9279 C   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0

When I'm utilising the GUI to do the same thing (Structure->Add->Add explicit hydrogens) all is running fine and the coordinates are untouched. (see 0Z1_1ela_A_with_H_marvin.sdf)

So, is there a way to prevent this behavior from command line?



ChemAxon afdac7b783

19-12-2011 15:48:19

Hi Florent,

Our Standardizer experts are on Holiday now.

Until they will answer your quiestion - regarding the possibilites of switching off cleaning during adding explicit H - I would recommend using 'molconvert' to add hydrogen to your molecules.


molconvert mol:+H 0Z1_1ela_A.sdf 

Best regards,


User ed9697d993

19-12-2011 15:57:49

Works like a charm this way.

Thanks, and happy holidays to you and ChemAxon team !
