Tautomerize mangles some cyclic sulfonamides

User 81a38f9467

14-03-2011 17:11:31

I am using the stand alone Standardizer  When I input the drug bendroflumethiazide, the Tautomerize function produces a ridiculous output.  The sulfonamide structure should be maintained for both sulfonamides.  In the case of bendroflumethiazide, the output structure should be the same as the input structure.

The overly aggressive introduction and migration of double bonds may be related to this bug (Tautomerize migrates double bonds too far): https://www.chemaxon.com/forum/ftopic7255.html

Please fix!


User 851ac690a0

16-03-2011 15:35:16


Thank you for reporting this bug. I've fixed.
