Set Abasolute Stereo function does work in standardizer 5.2.

User 55ffa2f197

03-03-2010 17:08:00

Set absolute stereo suppose to add the mrvStereoGroup tags to the strucutures that are already drawn properly with chiral centers and associated bonds. However when we run throuch such molecules through the standardizer it superficially added the absStereo="true" for the molecule but really did not add the stereo tags to the chiral atoms at all. When we drawn such molecule in Marvin sketch and select the absolute stereo options for the chiral atoms the abs were correctly put next to the atoms correctly, and associated mrvStereoGroup tags.

Following are the atom lables I copied from MRV formatted records concerning these instances

Here is what standardizer produced concerned with the stereo atoms a4, and a8

<molecule title="abc" molID="m1" absStereo="true"> 

...<atom id="a4" elementType="C"
              x2="-2.894266666666667" y2="1.2708266666666668" />


Here is what was gerenated from Marvin sketch, which is the right one, and what we would expect

<molecule title="Oxa_Core_Set01.cdx" molID="m1" absStereo="true">
        <atom id="a8" elementType="C" mrvStereoGroup="abs"
              x2="-3.410026666666667" y2="-2.1509600000000004" />


We are in urgent need to fix the problem. A code snnipet from the developers is really appreicated. Of course I hope you can reproduce what we saw.

ChemAxon e08c317633

05-03-2010 08:54:09


The molecule generated with Standardizer contains an absolute stereo flag (used in MDL molfiles; see, while the molecule generated with MarvinSketch contains enhanced stereo information (see

Standardizer can convert molecules to enhanced stereo representation using the Standardizer command line application, or the Java API (see

Command line example:

standardize -c converttoenhancedstereo:abs in.sdf -f sdf -o out.sdf

The ConvertToEnhancedStereo action will be available in Standardzier GUI in next JChem version.


ChemAxon d76e6e95eb

05-03-2010 10:32:35

The chiral flag is called absolute stereo flag in ChemAxon's tools, that can be misleading.