about dehydrogenize in standardizer

User 941c2467a3

09-11-2009 21:35:44

Dear Chemaxon,

I put an entry in my standardizer.xml, looks like,

<Action ID="dehydrogenze" Act="dehydrogenize"/>

I imported the above file into my java code, and put in the following compound,

The standarized product was given (but it was not my desired output),


My desired output is,

How can I config my standardizer configuration file to do this? Thanks!



ChemAxon e08c317633

10-11-2009 14:26:57

"Dehydrogenize" standardizer action was renamed to "RemoveExplicitH" long time ago, because this is what it does. It removes explicit hydrogenes, and it does not dehydrogenize the molecule.

See:  http://www.chemaxon.com/jchem/doc/user/StandardizerConfiguration.html#implhsec

You should use a Transform to convert the "O=O" group to "[O-]=O". Something like this will work:

<Transformation ID="Transform" Structure="[H]OS(*)=O>>[#8-]S(*)=O"/>


User 941c2467a3

11-11-2009 21:45:39

Zsolt wrote:

"Dehydrogenize" standardizer action was renamed to "RemoveExplicitH" long time ago, because this is what it does. It removes explicit hydrogenes, and it does not dehydrogenize the molecule.

See:  http://www.chemaxon.com/jchem/doc/user/StandardizerConfiguration.html#implhsec

You should use a Transform to convert the "O=O" group to "[O-]=O". Something like this will work:

<Transformation ID="Transform" Structure="[H]OS(*)=O>>[#8-]S(*)=O"/>


I tested and it works very well. Thanks very much Zsolt!